Yes, it’s true, I am jumping back in – I have decided to start teaching Fertility Awareness classes again. Oh, how I have missed teaching!
Life has been quite busy and wonderful over the last few years. I first started teaching workshops & private classes back in 2009. At the time I had been trying to conceive for a few years, and then I had two miscarriages in 2010. I realized that I needed a break from teaching to center myself and focus on my physical and emotional well-being.
At that time I was on the tail end of my first year of a teacher training program at the Ling Gui International Healing Qigong school. After my last workshop of the program, I received a qigong healing treatment from my teacher, Dr. Liu. It was a deeply healing experience that I cannot accurately put into words. Something shifted deeply inside of me and it allowed me to feel more open to the world around me. I was able to release so much tension and negative emotions that had been holding me back. Only much later did I realize that this was a major turning point in my life.
A few months later, in the summer of 2011, my husband and I bought land and moved to the countryside, something we had been dreaming of doing for years. And that same summer we finally got pregnant naturally and conceived our wonderful son Noah, who is now an active 2 year old. Being a stay-at-home-mom and homesteading in the country has kept me busy and very happy. But a longing deep within me has been growing… it is time for me to continue pursuing my passion for herbalism and women’s health. I am feeling called to continue my work helping women reconnect to their feminine essence and be guided back into trusting themselves and trusting their bodies.
Spring is in the air and I am feeling so very inspired! Working on designing this website and planning my next workshop has been very exciting. I am happy to announce that my first workshop will start in April. Details can be found here.
Stay tuned for more blog posts on various topics that relate to women’s health, and please sign up for my newsletter to receive new blog posts directly in your inbox.